Commercial Locksmith Services
in Fairfax, VA
We do what it takes to help you protect your facilities
Protecting your business should be as easy as locking up when the day is done. If your commercial establishment needs updated locks or service for existing security locks, don’t wait any longer to contact Artie’s Lock and Key. From key duplication, to access control installation, to commercial door repair in Fairfax, Vienna, and Fairfax County, VA, we do what it takes to help you protect your facilities.
Commercial Services
The majority of our commercial services are geared towards helping customers protect their facilities and control access to the premises.
Quality Branded Security Locks
The best security lock and key products come backed by the best brand names. We pass the benefits on to our commercial customers by relying on all of the following brands for equipment:

Storefront Repair
If your storefront is compromised, you’re at risk for things like burglary or theft, as well as liabilities like customer injury. Let us repair your storefront to protect you from these pitfalls.

Lock Re-Keys, Changes, and Repairs
Need your security locks changed? We can re-key or install brand-new locks to restore the integrity of your security. Plus, we’ll provide you with working key replacements in Fairfax, VA for a seamless transition.

Door Repair
Damaged doors can’t protect against unwanted access. We’ll provide you with commercial door repairs to fix everything, including damaged locks and door opening mechanisms.
Contact Us
In addition to the above core services, we also provide a complete range of additional commercial locksmith services, designed to protect and preserve the integrity of your business:
Master keying ● High-security lockouts ● Restricted or high-security keys ● Card readers ● Automatic door openers ● Door closers ● Storefront door repairs ● Push bar repair & installation ● Panic exit devices ● Mailbox key/lock replacement ● Safes ● Medeco high-security locks ● Lock repair ● Locks opened & changed ● Smart locks ● Keyless locks ● Combination locks ● Cypher locks ● Electric locks
Contact Artie’s Lock and Key for whatever commercial locksmith services you need. We’ll be quick to answer the call and ensure your business’ remote access keys and security locks are up to the task of protecting your establishment. Call today at (703) 273-2177.