Residential Locksmith Services
in Fairfax, VA
Let us help you walk right in the front door
Being locked out of your own home is frustrating and upsetting, and can leave you in a panic if you don’t know what to do. Instead of trying to break into your own home, give Artie’s Lock and Key a call and let us help you walk right in the front door. We’re the locksmith service in Fairfax, Vienna, and Fairfax County, VA homeowners count on when they’re standing on the wrong side of the door.
Home Lock and Key Copying Services
A lockout can happen to anyone, at any time. Whether you can’t find your keys or you’re dealing with a broken lock, trust us to respond to your call quickly and arrive with solutions that put your lock and key problems behind you.

Key replacement
Lost your keys and need a key replacement in Fairfax, VA? Looking to make a backup or some extras for neighbors or friends? With our key replacement and key copying services, we cut keys to perfection, so you’ve always got a way into your home when the doors are locked.

Locks opened & changed
We can pop just about any lock without damaging it. Your sliding door lock having issues? While many cut-rate locksmiths will drill out a lock and replace it, we take the time to open it properly. If the lock is damaged, we can also provide a replacement.

Lock rekeys
Moved into a new home? Make sure you get the locks rekeyed! Not only will this save you on the cost of new door locks, it’ll also protect your home and give you peace of mind about the number of keys floating around out there.

Door repair
Damaged doors- Whether from age or an attempted burglary, need to be fixed fast! We’ll provide your sliding door locks and other entryways with the attention they need to restore and preserve their integrity.
Top Name Brands
When you choose us for residential lock and key products, we want you to know you’re getting the best.
Our selection of brands includes only the finest:
To get the expert assistance you need from a qualified home locksmith, give us a call today at (703) 273-2177.
Contact Us Today!
In addition to being your resource for key replacement or a key copy in Fairfax, VA, we also offer just about any other lock and key services you might need for your home, including work on your smart home devices or a vehicle lockout in your driveway, along with:
Emergency lockouts ● High-security lockouts ● Mailbox key/lock replacement ● Master keying ● Sliding glass doors ● Safes ● Smart locks ● Keyless locks