Transponder Keys & Vehicle Lockouts
in Fairfax, VA
One minute you’re out and about in your car, heading to work or social events.
The next, you’re locked out and waiting for the locksmith to show up!
At Artie’s Lock and Key, we know that vehicle lockouts are a normal part of life. With that in mind, our professionally trained locksmiths are ready and waiting to handle a wide range of lockout jobs. Additionally, we’re equipped to handle rekeys, new car keys, lock installations and more.

Emergency vehicle opening
We know your time is valuable. To that end, we offer expedited emergency vehicle openings to get you back in your car faster. Whether your keys are locked in the car or stuck in the lock, our trusted techs have the knowledge and tools to help.

Emergency trunk opening
Lost your trunk key? Trunk stuck shut? We can open your trunk door without damaging the lock. Call for service anytime of the day or night.

Key fob programming
We specialize in key fob replacement in Fairfax, VA, and the surrounding towns. Whether you have a push-start or keyless entry system, our techs can get you back on the road in minutes.

Broken key extraction
Realizing that you broke off your key in your lock is a terrible feeling. Fortunately, we can resolve the problem quickly and efficiently. Our goal is to extract your key without having to replace the original lock.

Transponder chip key replacement
Containing tiny computer chips, transponder keys provide extra security for your vehicle. Whether you’re dealing with a broken transponder or purchasing a new vehicle, we offer complete programming for transponder keys in Fairfax, VA.
Contact Us Today!
At Artie’s Lock and Key, we’re proud to say we can handle cars and trucks of any make or model. To learn more about what we do in Fairfax, Vienna, and Fairfax County, VA, call us today at (703) 273-2177. or contact the team online for key fob replacement, key copying, and more.