Why Is My Car Key Not Working?

Most people rely on their vehicles to transport them around town. Whether you’re driving to work or taking the kids to school, you and your family depend on your car every day. So, when you go out to your car, truck or SUV, and your key doesn’t function properly, you’re frustrated with the situation and unsure how to fix it. In fact, you’re probably reading this because you searched for “car key not working” in Fairfax, VA!

A variety of car keys available

When you call a locksmith about a broken car key in Fairfax, VA, it’s helpful to know what kind of key you use. This information makes it easier for the locksmith to quickly and correctly fix the problem. Cars from 1995 or earlier usually operate with a traditional key. This key starts the vehicle as well as unlocking the doors and trunk. Newer vehicles use keys with transponders or some keyless remote option. Depending on your vehicle’s make and model, there’s a few common problems that might occur with a key fob.

Six reasons your car key isn’t working

A damaged car key can ruin your day. From meetings to children’s extracurricular, you have a schedule, and you need to stick to it. When something like car key issues in Fairfax, VA occurs, your whole schedule feels the impact:

  • Lock issues: The most common issue with car keys occurs when a regular key breaks in the automobile’s lock. You put the key in the lock and turn it, only to have the stem break off entirely. Usually, keys break in this way when drivers fail to maintain the locks on their vehicles using appropriate lubricants.
  • Damaged key: Traditional keys may bend or wear down over time. Technical issues cause key fobs to stop working. Either way, a bent key or malfunctioning fob will make it impossible to start your car.
  • Bad copy: A key duplicated too many times might yield useless copies that just don’t work. Only make copies of the original key rather than reproducing a key based on a copy, unless you want to spend your time dealing with a car key not working in Fairfax, VA.
  • Broken ignition cylinder: When your key works in your car’s locks but won’t start the vehicle, this indicates a problem with the ignition cylinder.
  • Broken key fob: Like any electronic mechanism, key fobs won’t work if they’re dropped, exposed to water or crushed. Be careful when handling fobs, as they are more delicate than they appear.
  • Lost initial programming: When the battery dies in a key fob, you lose all of the initial programming that pairs the device to your vehicle. Once you’ve installed a new battery in your fob, you have to pair the key to your car to get it to work.

Now that you better understand the causes of a broken car key in Fairfax, VA, it’s time to get in touch with a locksmith that can get you back on the road as soon as possible. Contact the experts at Artie’s Lock and Key now for prompt, reliable service.

The Six Types of Car Keys

If you need to replace car keys, the type of key determines the cost and where you need to go to get it replaced. Gone are the days when every corner hardware store could create copies of all types of car keys. Depending on the year, make and model of your vehicle, the dealership may be your only option, and those car key types are never cheap in Fairfax, VA. Here are six automotive key types and how to replace them:

  • Traditional keys: There are still cars on the road that use the most basic type of car key. These keys contain no encoding or programming. They are merely cut metal that fits a lock. You can secure copies of these keys anywhere, and they typically only cost about $3 to $10 per key.
  • Master key: Early cars came with a master key that was not intended for use. You kept it merely to make copies from it. If lost, they were a few hundred dollars to replace, and sometimes you needed to also replace the engine management system. That was an additional few thousand dollars to complete, so you definitely never wanted to lose your master key! You are very unlikely to run into this phenomenon now, but if you buy a used car, double check the manual to make sure you do not need a master key.
  • Transponder key: A transponder key contains a microchip that offers additional security over a traditional key. Used since 1995, a sensor responds when the key is inserted into the ignition and activates the transponder. This allows the engine to start. Since the microchip is unique to the key, it can cost $40 to $100 to copy a basic transponder key. Since 1999, transponder keys have offered a rolling code, which changes every time it is used. These keys are $500 or more.
  • Switchblade key: Very popular on Volkswagen models, the switchblade key folds into a key fob and flips out when you press a button. Since it is usually included with other functions, replacing this entire apparatus costs $200 to $300. However, if you only break the metal shank, it can be repaired for around $75.
  • Valet key: Some makes and models allow you to create a valet key for your vehicle. This is a basic key that unlocks doors and starts the car, but will not open the trunk or glove box. Many people who regularly use valet services feel more secure giving them this basic key rather than their whole key fob.
  • Smart key: This is not a key at all, but a fob. When you are in range of the car, it will unlock it and start the car with the press of a button. There is no need to insert a key into the ignition. Unfortunately, if you lose this key, you are looking at spending $200 to $400 to replace it.

Artie’s Lock and Key can cut and program all types of car keys in Fairfax, VA. We can also rescue you if you lock yourself out of your car. Call us today for solutions beyond traditional lock and key services.

How to Prevent Locking Your Child in Your Car

There’s nothing more terrifying than securely locking the car door behind you, only to discover well after the fact that you’ve accidentally left your child behind. That fear is never more prominent than during the summer months, when the temperature spikes and being left in a locked car could pose a genuine threat to your child’s safety. Fortunately, you can take steps to avoid locking your kids in the car and needing the services of an emergency automotive locksmith in Fairfax, VA.

Don’t overload yourself

Anyone with an active child (or several active children) understands how hectic the day-to-day routine can get. When you have a lot on your plate, it’s easy to get lost in a series of errands or get focused on another chore you have to complete later in the day. That makes you absent-minded, and when your mind isn’t on the task at hand, you make mistakes. You can avoid this simple problem by making sure you aren’t overloaded with tasks. Take it easy on yourself, and you’ll find it easier to focus on the present.

Have a spare set of keys

If you do lock your child in the car, the easiest solution is to use a spare set of keys to open the door. Most modern vehicles come with a spare set of keys. It’s always a good idea to make sure you have a set handy. It might even be a good idea to make multiple copies so you can have one on your person and one in the house in addition to the one on your keychain.

If you need to make copies of your car key, even those with a chip in them, an experienced automotive locksmith in Fairfax, VA can help you out.

Inspect your car regularly

It’s essential to remember that modern automobiles are built with children’s safety in mind. That said, automotive engineers are worried more about keeping your kid in the car while the vehicle is in motion. They are less concerned with making sure your child can get out when the car is stopped. As a result, the auto-lock feature so common in modern-day vehicles can malfunction, causing your child to be locked inside. Periodic inspection of this feature can help you make sure everything’s working as it should.

In case the worst should happen, we’re here for you

Sure, you’re distraught, but nobody is perfect. In the event that you should accidentally lock your child in the car, the first thing to do is act quickly and call an automotive locksmith in Fairfax, VA who will rush to your side. In our corner of Virginia and the Washington, DC area, that means placing a call to Artie’s Lock and Key.

We have more than 45 years of experience offering rapid, reliable service to residential and commercial customers throughout the area. Whether you’re locked out of your car or you need to completely replace the locks at your business, one of our highly-skilled technicians can make it happen with minimal hassle and maximum results. Visit us or give us a call to find out more. We can’t wait to help you!

Six Tips for Keeping Your Car Keys Handy

It’s one of the most commonplace experiences that can really frustrate someone: you’re ready to leave the house, the car is packed and maybe the kids are even ready to go, but you can’t find your car keys anywhere. You wind up spending valuable time tearing the house apart trying to track them down, getting more and more frustrated in the process.

Why go through all of this aggravation? Our experts in car key replacement in Fairfax, VA have put together the following tips to make sure you don’t lose your keys and instead are able to spend your time driving off to fun and adventure:

  • Put a tracker on them: One of the advantages of living in the times that we do is that there’s typically a gadget for everything. Many companies now make trackers that you can put on your keyring and then access via your smartphone, making it easy to track down your keys via a beeping noise or possibly even GPS.
  • Get a spare set: As a premier provider of car key replacement in Fairfax, VA, we freely admit that this is our favorite suggestion! Making an extra set of keys has never been easier, and it can really go a long way toward preserving your peace of mind. You can stash the spare keys in a known place and feel confident that you can always grab them and go.
  • Always put them in the same spot: This one probably sounds obvious, but it can really help. If you have a spot on your counter or near the door where you can toss your keys out of habit, it will become second nature before you know it and you’ll be well on your way to having an easier time remembering where they are.
  • Put them in a receptacle: Expanding on the previous bullet point, having a designated container for your keys can make it all the easier to remember where to find them. You can find one that fits your home’s décor and your personality as well.
  • Note to self: Another way technology makes life easier for the customers at Artie’s Lock and Key is that you can easily set a reminder or write a note in your smartphone. If you stash your keys somewhere unusual, write yourself a quick reminder and you’ll have a much easier time finding them when you need them.
  • Attach them to something: You can easily attach your keys to your other valuables with a chain or with a specialized wallet. This ensures you don’t leave the house without everything you need and makes it certain you’ll be good to go for the day.

At Artie’s Lock and Key, our team of experienced locksmiths is one of the best in the business, and we want our customers to always be able to track down their keys. We do jobs big and small, and have been in the business for over 40 years, so you know we have the expertise you can trust. Car key replacement in Fairfax, VA is one of our specialties, and we know the lock business inside and out—give us a call or stop by anytime and we can help you with all of your locksmithing needs.

Why You Shouldn’t Break Into Your Own Car

We’ve all been there: you’re rushing to get somewhere and you get out of the car, only to realize the doors are locked with the keys inside. The urge to just break your own window to retrieve the keys is tempting, especially if you are in a hurry to get to your next destination. However, you will soon understand why it’s better to call an automobile locksmith in Fairfax, VA if you find yourself locked out of your vehicle.

It’s not as easy as breaking a window

You notice your keys trapped in your car or truck, so you think to yourself, “Sure, I’ll just break the window and get back to my life.” You’ll find this a much harder task than you realize, as most cars, especially those manufactured in the last decade, have numerous security and safety features in place. This means breaking a window isn’t as simple as it sounds, and you’re better off contacting an automobile locksmith in Fairfax, VA instead.

Mistaken for a criminal

Let’s say you are stuck outside of your car and a police officer driving by notices that someone is trying to break into the vehicle. They don’t know that you are the car’s owner. The next thing you know, you are being questioned by law enforcement personnel on the side of the road. You are going to have an especially hard time explaining your circumstances if your driver’s license and/or registration are locked in your car or truck along with your keys.

Injure yourself

Physically attempting to overcome your car’s security and safety features by breaking a window could mean that you inadvertently hurt yourself. Whether the injury is caused by trying to break the glass or the broken glass slices you up as you reach into your car to get your keys, breaking a window is a surefire way to injure yourself, which then requires a trip to the hospital or doctor, on top of needing to replace your window.

Damage your vehicle

In your attempts to break a window to retrieve your keys, you are more likely to cause damage to your car or truck. Then, once you’ve sorted out the situation with your keys, you have to take your automobile to a mechanic for costly repairs. Don’t let a mistake like locking your keys in your vehicle turn into an expensive process that takes your car off the road for a longer time.

Target for crime

As you are doing your best to break into your own vehicle to get the keys, some person with a weapon notices an opportunity. You are distracted and vulnerable. This assailant jumps at the chance to rob you or worse.

You can go through the hassle of trying to break into your own car when the keys have been locked inside—or you can save yourself the time, money and frustration by simply getting in touch with an automobile locksmith in Fairfax, VA. This expert will have you back in your vehicle and on the road quickly, without a mess or additional fees. If you are locked out of your automobile, call Artie’s Lock and Key now.