Can I Replace My Doorframe and Keep the Same Door?

There are many reasons why you might replace a door. Not as common, however, is a situation in which a person wishes to place a frame but keep the door.

This is something that can be done. You can install a new frame while keeping the same door, but this is harder than you might expect. You’ll need to measure carefully, pick all of the right materials for the job and make sure you cut the frame out with precision to ensure it works properly with your existing door.

The real question is not “Can I replace my doorframe and keep the door?” but should you? This depends on the condition of the door. With the frame, the following are signs that you should probably make the replacement:

  • Deep scratches in the wood that cannot be sanded out
  • Warping that has made it difficult for doors to open and close properly
  • Dents in the wood
  • Wood rot or other issues with the condition of the wood

The frame may be able to be repaired if the damage is not significant, but there are situations in which the damage will not be reversible. This commonly occurs when there has been significant water damage or warping or if someone has broken into the home by kicking the door in, causing breakage in the frame.

Make sure you carefully inspect your door slab while inspecting your frame. If there are obvious deep scratches and dents, it’s probably a good idea to make the replacement. Doors can be refinished if the scratches are minor, but at a certain point, it’s a good idea to make the replacement. Also check all the hinges and locations where they are attached, and make sure that the wood is not broken near them.

If the door is not hanging in the frame correctly, consider why and the types of adjustments you can make.

It can be hard to know when to replace your door and frame, but, ultimately, it’s likely in your best interest to replace the entire door unit if the frame is having issues—unless you are especially attached to the door you have.

Starting with a new door unit gives you brand-new materials that have been designed to fit together. You don’t have to worry about cutting new holes or making adjustments. The door and frame will look good together, which will increase your curb appeal and will provide greater security. You’ll also benefit from having a warranty that protects your investment in case anything goes wrong.

Interested in learning more about replacing doors or doorframes and what is all involved in making the decision?

We encourage you to contact us at Artie’s Lock and Key in Fairfax, VA with any questions you have about the services we provide. We’ll be happy to come out to your property, inspect your door system and give you some recommendations about what would be the best solution to your door-related problems, so you can have lasting quality and security.