Why You Might Need a Key Fob Replacement
Increasingly common in today’s vehicles, key fobs make unlocking and starting your car easier than ever before. They can remotely unlock your vehicle without the need to insert a key into your lock, with additional features differing greatly depending on your vehicle. All that being said, a key fob can stop working after a time, and you may find yourself needing a key fob replacement in Fairfax, VA.
There are many reasons your key fob may have stopped working, so you may not need to replace the device entirely. Read on for information about some of the most common issues that prevent key fobs from working properly.
Is it the battery?
Key fobs are powered by a battery system located within the device and, as with most battery-powered devices, a dead battery will keep it from working. Batteries die after prolonged use. That’s just how it is, but being unable to open your car because of a dead battery can be extremely frustrating.
That said, you could contact a locksmith in Fairfax, VA to bring you a key fob replacement or help you open your car. Once in your vehicle, you could easily buy a replacement battery for your key fob.
In order to avoid getting locked out of your car in the first place, it’s a good idea to be aware of your key fob’s battery life. If you are having to press your key fob multiple times to unlock your car, then this could be a sign of a dying battery.
Is my key fob broken?
If it isn’t the battery, then your key fob may have just died entirely. After years of use, it’s possible that your key fob has broken and you will need to get a replacement. To find out if your key fob is broken, you could try replacing the battery to see if that fixes the problem. There are also professionals who may be able to diagnose any issues with your key fob.
It may also be a good idea to contact your dealership and see if they have any recommendations. If all else fails, you will likely need to invest in key fob replacement in Fairfax, VA.
Is the problem with the car itself?
There may not be a problem with your key fob at all. It’s possible that your vehicle’s battery may have died. It’s also possible that your car is experiencing an electrical or mechanical problem, which means you’ll probably have to bring your car to an automotive repair shop in the area.
How much is a key fob replacement?
Key fob replacements can vary depending on your vehicle’s make, model, year and a variety of other factors. Having a locksmith replace your key fob can be more cost effective in many situations.
At Artie’s Lock and Key, we will easily provide you with a key fob replacement in Fairfax, VA, as well as key fob programming services to ensure your new fob works perfectly with your vehicle. For any and all locksmith service needs, contact Artie’s Lock and Key today.