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A Look at Some of the Best Smart Home Security Devices

August 8, 2019 10:47 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

One of your highest priorities as a homeowner is the security of your property, and to ensure that your home is as safe and protected as possible, you need to invest in reliable locks. Locks keep your home secure whether you’re inside or not, and they can deter potential intruders. While traditional locks are often very effective forms of home protection, advancements in technology have improved homeowner safety and security even more. Read on to find out more about a few of the most popular types of smart home locks in Fairfax, VA: Schlage Sense: The Schlage Sense is a... View Article

The Top Six Benefits of Hiring a Local Locksmith in Fairfax, VA

July 24, 2019 4:20 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

When you use local home, office and automotive services, you’re supporting small businesses and your community. It’s a way to give back while getting something you need in return. For example, your need for a new lock replacement can support the surrounding economy. And needing new locks installed or help with a home or car lockout can be stressful when you don’t know who you can trust. Locksmiths advise against trying to pick locks without the right tools, especially if your knowledge is lacking. Do you need to call an expert locksmith for help? Consider choosing a small, established business... View Article

Moving in and Securing Your New Home

July 10, 2019 4:20 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Like many people in the United States, you look at owning a home as a key part of the American dream. Sure, renting a house or apartment does have perks—because your landlord is responsible for most of the maintenance and repairs, all you need to do is call him or her when something needs to be fixed. But as the owner of a home, you’re the ruler of your domain. This gives you the power to do things like paint the walls whatever color you want, hang pictures without needing permission to drive nails into the wall and put actual... View Article

Tips for Unlocking Your Car Door When You’re Locked Out

June 24, 2019 11:09 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

If you’ve ever misplaced your car key or locked the keys inside your car, you know the panicked feeling that quickly sets in. The good news is that there are several relatively simple methods you can try to unlock your car door without the key. This post from your favorite automotive locksmith in Fairfax, VA will cover a few of those methods that may be able to get you out of a sticky situation: Shoestring: If your car door has a lock that unlocks by pulling up, you can use your shoestring to unlock it. Make a loop in the... View Article

The Benefits of Hiring a Professional Locksmith Instead of Doing It Yourself

June 10, 2019 11:09 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Have you been locked out of your home or car? There are plenty of interesting methods to open the door without the use of a key. However, these techniques aren’t always reliable and can sometimes damage the door or the lock. Continue reading to learn why we always recommend hiring a locksmith in Fairfax, VA instead of attempting DIY methods: Licensed expertise: The best part about hiring a locksmith to open your door or replace a lock is the fact that you can rest easy knowing the job will be completed correctly. Before you hire a locksmith, though, it’s a... View Article